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TOP TEN reasons why reading Montaigne will make you a better husband.

Chapter 2 of Gospel Prism loosely refers to Montaigne’s Essays.

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10) He was French, after all, so he has that going for him.

9)  He is endlessly self-questioning and skeptical of his first instincts.

8)  He was distrustful of passion as a guide to relationships.

7)  He is a complete and natural human being.

6)  He placed a premium on experience and self-examination.

5)  “We must endure what we cannot avoid.”

4)  He refuses to embrace tragedy or melodrama.

3)  Modesty and wisdom were his higher values.

2)  “The first thing in love is . . . knowing when to seize the moment.”

1) He knew not to wish for qualities he did not possess.