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BBC “Outlook” Interview of Author

The Rise and Fall and the Redemption - Gospel Prism

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Listen here to the BBC “Outlook” interview of the author of Gospel Prism, Gerald Weaver.  It ends with the story of how famous journalist, Marie Colvin, was “the inspiration, the muse, the editor, the initial idea, the coach,” for the author and the novel, and how she took the manuscript on her final mission.  But it begins with the interesting story of the author’s fall from the corridors of political power on Capitol Hill in the US, to the far darker corridors of a federal minimum security prison, and how his life was redeemed there by reading and by writing, and later by his extraordinary friend.  Learn how he was prosecuted on politically trumped-up charges and was released when it was discovered that his attorney had a conflict of interest.  Listen to hos insights about life on The Hill and in prison, and how they are “not dissimilar,” but are always interesting.  And learn how the author was first protected “on the inside” by a compelling mafia figure.