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Tag Archives: metafiction

Press for “Gospel Prism,” by Gerald Weaver

Just some of the national press (United Kingdom) for Gospel Prism: 22 February 2015, article on Gospel Prism in The London Sunday Times here: BBC World Service “Outlook” interview, 15 April 2015, of Gospel Prism author: 21 May 2015 BBC World Service “Newsday” interview of Gerald Weaver, discussing Gospel Prism: Feature article…
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Scene from Gospel Prism, chapter 1, “Lepanto Road Dogs”

In this early scene from Gospel Prism, in the first chapter, “Lepanto Road Dogs,” Christian has his first conversation with Little Philly Ray Sanchez, who later becomes his road dog, his toughest and most loyal friend in prison.  In this scene they discuss Little Philly’s knife and gunshot wounds, the supposed deterrent effect of prison,…
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Literary Influences – Gospel Prism

The first chapter of Gospel Prism opens with the unusual friendship between a crusading evangelist and his droll assistant who has joined this quest for personal reasons. This is a conscious nod to Miguel de Cervantes and Don Quixote, which I think casts a long shadow over every writer who seeks to pen a novel….
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Why I Write

My desire to write springs from my love of reading and from the desire to share that profound affection. The New York Times once said of Virginia Woolf’s, The Common Reader, that it was not the volume of collected essays and reviews that it purported to be but that it tirelessly and creatively sought to…
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The Setting of Gospel Prism

Gospel Prism is set around and in a men’s minimum-security prison in London, Kentucky, which lies along the edge of the Appalachian Mountains of the United States. The Appalachian Mountains stand like no other place on the North American continent, as some middle ground in the spiritual geography of the land mass. They are not…
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Harold Bloom

“Gospel Prism is a remarkable, charming but disturbing novel with an intriguing premise.”

Jonathan Levi

“Weaver’s Gospel Prism breaks up the harsh light of prison into a glorious rainbow and takes us on a journey into the heart of a shadowy place, lit by a literary wit and the intricate knowledge that at the end, as in the beginning, there is the Word.”

The Quest – Gospel Prism

Christian, the skeptical hero of Gospel Prism, receives a midnight visitation from a beautiful mixed race messiah and she tasks him to discover the meaning of several puzzling codes in order to save his immortal soul and his investigation takes him on a spiritual quest.  The twelve stages of this adventurous journey bring Christian into…
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